created with
Touch this Sound! #1 G. X. Jupitter-larsen / The Haters
49% performance
51% electronic

The music of the “Heart Chamber Orchestra” comes literally from the heart. Harnessed in a feedback loop, twelve musicians follow a score generated in real time from their own heart-beats in this project conceived and technically realised by Terminalbeach. After that, GX Jupitter-Larsen and The Haters bombard us in “Ion-Gun” with ion guns, before the Lucky Dragons invite us to engage in collective generation (conception) of sound in their performance “Make a Baby”.
Like last year, the first musikprotokoll evening is centred around the ECAS/ICAS festival network of the European and International Cities of Advanced Sound.

musikprotokoll 2009

In collaboration with Festival CTM (Club Transmediale) & TodaysArt

Thu 08/10

Dom im Berg
7.30 pm
Pure & Erich Berger, Terminalbeach (A/D/FIN)

9 pm
GX Jupitter-Larsen, The Haters & Greg Leigh (USA)

10 pm
Lucky Dragons (USA)