created with
Abime - Abyss and Awakening
61% composition
39% ensemble

This musikprotokoll evening is the epitome of departure from the classical into the modern age, interpreted by the masters of the genre; ensemble recherche and Klangforum Wien: A confrontation of works from all over the world and composers with long-standing ties with Austria, for example Johannes Maria Staud, who has returned to live here again, Briton Rebecca Saunders, featuring at musikprotokoll not for the first time, Spaniard Mauricio Sotelo, who lived in Vienna for a long time, and Colombian German Toro-Perez, who still performs there.

7.30 pm

Mauricio Sotelo (E) Klang-Muro-for-Klangforum P
Johannes Maria Staud (A) One Movement and Five Miniatures P
German Toro-Perez (CO) Inventario IV (Wespensterben) P
Jorge E. Lopez (C) Gonzales The Earth Eater

9.00 pm

Christopher Fox (GB) Terra incognita (2005) ÖE
Rebecca Saunders (GB) murmurs (2009) UA
Elena Mendoza (E) Nebelsplitter (2008)
José Manuel López López (E) African Winds (1998)
Qin Wenchen (CN) The Sun Shadow VIII (2009) UA

musikprotokoll 2009

Fri 09/10

EUR 16 / EUR 12

7.30 pm
Klangforum Wien (A), Christoph Walder (I), Florian Müller (D),Uli Fussenegger (A), Vera Fischer (CH) &
Rolf Gupta (N)

9.00 pm
ensemble recherche (D)