created with
Hotel Rollator
Filmpremiére "Heim ist nicht daheim"
34% animation
33% getting older
33% memory

In the frame of "Hotel Rollator" Julia Laggner's documentary “Heim ist nicht Daheim” is screening at the festival centre on 17/10. The film gives an insight into the life of four elderly people spending the twilight years in institutional care.

The idea to the documentary developed during the work at the uniT-project „Third Age Moving“ and was produced in the frame of Sources 2 with support by Cinestyria Filmkunst, BMUKK and Kulturamt der Stadt Graz.

Co-produced by steirischer herbst, uniT, Caritas Graz-Seckau & Caritas Senioren- und Pflegewohnhaus Graz-St. Peter; Supported by Caritas Graz-Seckau, Innovationstopf der Diözese Graz-Seckau & BMSG

Sat 17/10, 5 pm
Film screening
"Heim ist nicht daheim"

Festival centre
Written and directed by
Julia Laggner (A)

Lieselotte Oman, Emil Pfeiffer, Veronika Pfuhl, Maria Neuhold u.a.

Cinematography Judith Benedikt
Sound Herwig Rogler
Editing Julia Pontiller
Direction mentoring Niki Mossböck